Řešil jsem problém se Zabbixem a MariaDB, která je zároveň Master pro
replikaci na Slave. Během upgrade z 6.0.10 na 6.0.11 se projevil
problem s opravněními v DB. Zabbix server nenastartoval :-( Projevilo se
to i u 6.0.12
1646147:20221212:123444.717 Starting Zabbix Server. Zabbix 6.0.12 (revision 126aa2f53e9).
1646147:20221212:123444.717 ****** Enabled features ******
1646147:20221212:123444.717 SNMP monitoring: YES
1646147:20221212:123444.717 IPMI monitoring: YES
1646147:20221212:123444.717 Web monitoring: YES
1646147:20221212:123444.717 VMware monitoring: YES
1646147:20221212:123444.717 SMTP authentication: YES
1646147:20221212:123444.717 ODBC: YES
1646147:20221212:123444.717 SSH support: YES
1646147:20221212:123444.717 IPv6 support: YES
1646147:20221212:123444.717 TLS support: YES
1646147:20221212:123444.717 ******************************
1646147:20221212:123444.717 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
1646147:20221212:123444.724 current database version (mandatory/optional): 06000000/06000010
1646147:20221212:123444.724 required mandatory version: 06000000
1646147:20221212:123444.724 optional patches were found
1646147:20221212:123444.724 starting automatic database upgrade
[Z3005] query failed: [1419] You do not have the SUPER privilege and
binary logging is enabled (you *might*
want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable) [create trigger hosts_name_upper_insert
before insert on hosts for each row
set new.name_upper=upper(new.name)]
Pomohlo nastavit u běžící MariaDB direktivu log_bin_trust_function_creators.
set global log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;
Po restartu MariaDB se logicky opet nastavilo defaultní OFF, ale Zabbix server již šel restartovat a nabíhal korektně.mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'log_bin_trust_function_creators';
| Variable_name | Value |
| log_bin_trust_function_creators | OFF |
Trvale nastavení konfigurace MariaDB asi není naškodu.