Solving Log Monitoring Challenges at SEB Bank
SEB Bank is a major financial services group based in Stockholm, Sweden. It
serves northern Europe, particularly the Nordic…
The post Solving Log Monitor...
Logical operations over matrices of sorted numbers
Our e-commerce view engine (E.V.E.) works with matrices of sorted number on
the lowest level of its application logic. I’d like to describe some of the
LXD weekly status #37
Introduction So this past week was rather intense, in a nutshell, we’ve:
Merged LXD clustering support Split python3-lxc, lua-lxc and lxc-templates
out of ...
Stratocaching 2014
Hola, hola,
dnes 5.října jsme se zúčastnili beta testu celonárodní hry
* STRATOCACHING*. Zatím šlo pouze o beta test, jež měl odzkoušet funkčnost
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