středa 24. července 2013

Disabling global security in the WebSphere Application Server

Dnes se mi povedlo zablokovat přístup do WAS konzole :-( Jediným řešením bylo vypnout Global Security a provést problematicke nastavení WAS a opět Securitu zapnout.

Popis problému je zde.

  1. Locate the security.xml file. The file is in the following directory:
    where WAS_NODE_PROFILE_HOME is the directory of the WebSphere Application Server, and CELL is the name of the cell.
  2. Edit the security.xml file:
    1. Search for the line that begins with the following tag:
    2. In that line, search for the enabled attribute, and change the value to false.
  3. Save the security.xml file.
  4. Restart the WebSphere Application Server. Global security is now disabled.

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